* author: Pieter Heyvaert (pheyvaer.heyvaert@ugent.be)
* Ghent University - imec - IDLab
const N3 = require('n3');
const newEngine = require('@comunica/actor-init-sparql-rdfjs').newEngine;
const Q = require('q');
const streamify = require('streamify-array');
const namespaces = require('./namespaces');
const SemanticChess = require('./semanticchess');
* The Loader allows creating a Semantic Chess instance via information loaded from an url.
class Loader {
* This constructor creates an instance of Loader.
* @param fetch: the function used to fetch the data
constructor(fetch) {
this.engine = newEngine();
this.fetch = fetch;
* This method creates a instance of Semantic Chess, based on a URL that describes the game.
* @param {string} gameUrl: the url that represents the game
* @param {string} userWebId: the WebId of the user
* @param {string|function(): string} moveBaseUrl: base url used to create urls for new moves
* @returns {SemanticChess}: an instance of SemanticChess
async loadFromUrl(gameUrl, userWebId, moveBaseUrl) {
const rdfjsSource = await this._getRDFjsSourceFromUrl(gameUrl);
const sources = [{type: 'rdfjsSource', value: rdfjsSource}];
const colorOfUser = await this._findUserColor(sources, userWebId);
const opponentWebId = await this.findWebIdOfOpponent(gameUrl, userWebId);
let name = await this._getObjectFromPredicateForResource(gameUrl, namespaces.schema + 'name');
if (name) {
name = name.value;
let startPosition = await this._getObjectFromPredicateForResource(gameUrl, namespaces.chess + 'startPosition');
if (startPosition) {
startPosition = startPosition.value;
let realTime = await this._getObjectFromPredicateForResource(gameUrl, namespaces.chess + 'isRealTime');
if (realTime) {
realTime = realTime.value === 'true';
} else {
realTime = false;
const semanticGame = new SemanticChess({
url: gameUrl,
const moves = await this._findMove(gameUrl, namespaces.chess + 'hasFirstHalfMove');
moves.forEach(move => {
semanticGame.loadMove(move.san, {url: move.url});
return semanticGame;
* This method returns the WebId of the opponent.
* @param gameUrl: the url of the game
* @param userWebId: the WebId of the user
* @returns {Promise}: a promise that resolves with the WebId of the opponent or null if not found
async findWebIdOfOpponent(gameUrl, userWebId) {
const deferred = Q.defer();
const rdfjsSource = await this._getRDFjsSourceFromUrl(gameUrl);
this.engine.query(`SELECT ?id { ?agentRole <${namespaces.rdf}type> ?playerRole;
<${namespaces.chess}performedBy> ?id.
MINUS {?playerRole <${namespaces.chess}performedBy> <${userWebId}> .}} LIMIT 100`,
{sources: [{type: 'rdfjsSource', value: rdfjsSource}]})
.then(function (result) {
result.bindingsStream.on('data', function (data) {
const id = data.toObject()['?id'].value;
if (id !== userWebId) {
result.bindingsStream.on('end', function () {
return deferred.promise;
* This method returns the move that is represented by a url
* @param {string} moveUrl: the url of the move
* @param predicate: the predicate that connects the current move with the next move
* @returns {Promise}: a promise that resolves with an array of moves
* @private
async _findMove(moveUrl, predicate) {
const deferred = Q.defer();
let results = [];
const rdfjsSource = await this._getRDFjsSourceFromUrl(moveUrl);
let nextMoveFound = false;
this.engine.query(`SELECT * {
OPTIONAL { <${moveUrl}> <${namespaces.chess}hasSANRecord> ?san. }
OPTIONAL { <${moveUrl}> <${predicate}> ?nextMove. }
} LIMIT 100`,
{sources: [{type: 'rdfjsSource', value: rdfjsSource}]})
.then(result => {
result.bindingsStream.on('data', async data => {
data = data.toObject();
if (data['?san']) {
san: data['?san'].value,
url: moveUrl
if (data['?nextMove']) {
nextMoveFound = true;
const t = await this._findMove(data['?nextMove'].value, namespaces.chess + 'nextHalfMove');
results = results.concat(t);
result.bindingsStream.on('end', function () {
if (!nextMoveFound) {
return deferred.promise;
* This method returns the color of a user.
* @param sources: the sources the Comunica engine needs to query
* @param userWebId: the WebId of the user
* @returns {Promise}: a promise that resolve with either 'w' or 'b'
* @private
_findUserColor(sources, userWebId) {
const deferred = Q.defer();
this.engine.query(`SELECT * { ?agentRole <${namespaces.rdf}type> ?playerRole;
<${namespaces.chess}performedBy> <${userWebId}> } LIMIT 100`,
.then(function (result) {
result.bindingsStream.on('data', function (data) {
const role = data.toObject()['?playerRole'].value;
if (role === namespaces.chess + 'WhitePlayerRole') {
} else {
return deferred.promise;
* This method returns an RDFJSSource of an url
* @param {string} url: url of the source
* @returns {Promise}: a promise that resolve with the corresponding RDFJSSource
* @private
_getRDFjsSourceFromUrl(url) {
const deferred = Q.defer();
.then(async res => {
if (res.status === 404) {
} else {
const body = await res.text();
const store = N3.Store();
const parser = N3.Parser({baseIRI: res.url});
parser.parse(body, (err, quad, prefixes) => {
if (err) {
} else if (quad) {
} else {
const source = {
match: function(s, p, o, g) {
return streamify(store.getQuads(s, p, o, g));
return deferred.promise;
* This method returns the object of resource via a predicate.
* @param url: the url of the resource.
* @param predicate: the predicate for which to look.
* @returns {Promise}: a promise that resolves with the object or null if none is found.
async _getObjectFromPredicateForResource(url, predicate) {
const deferred = Q.defer();
const rdfjsSource = await this._getRDFjsSourceFromUrl(url);
const engine = newEngine();
engine.query(`SELECT ?o {
<${url}> <${predicate}> ?o.
{sources: [{type: 'rdfjsSource', value: rdfjsSource}]})
.then(function (result) {
result.bindingsStream.on('data', function (data) {
data = data.toObject();
result.bindingsStream.on('end', function () {
return deferred.promise;
module.exports = Loader;